Thursday, 23 April 2009

Information Overload!

You know, I think one of the biggest problems with getting started earning any money on the internet has to be information overload! There are just TOO many 'opportunities' out there in cyberspace.

I have been looking into this for about 2 months now and it is impossible to settle down to one or two items. You quickly become bombarded with offers for this or free reports on that and, of course, every get rich in the next 30 days scams you can think of. I'm sure most of them will work, for somebody. Not necessarily you - that's the problem.

It is all very well paying to get access to a scheme but when you have to wade your way through 10 hours of video tutorials, 5 ebooks and then sign up to different other sites, that in turn start to bombard you with 'offers' etc. it begins to get a little confusing.

So far I haven't made a cent out of this. I have 2 web sites up and running, I have numerous sub sites off these with articles of interest, I surf about 8-10 traffic exchanges a day advertising my sites as well as others with affiliate links and it gets to the point where it is looking like a full time occupation (expect I don't get paid!!).

And all this is based upon the promise that it is 'easy' and it all works on auto-pilot. What a load of BS.

There must be people making money out of all this, I just have not reached those giddy heights (YET!).

If, after this little rant, you want to look at one of my sites then please click here and have a wonder around. If you join, it takes a little setting up but at least they do give you step by step instructions on what to do. It is a LOT easier than all the videos, ebooks etc that I was complaining about.

If you want to learn information about various subject, I have a set of articles sites that you might want to look at. The subject a diverse and ever growing. I think I will have to create a central link point for them all but at the moment have a look at these.


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