Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Did ya miss me?

No? I thought not. I have been away on holiday for the last week. I live in Scotland and we took our caravan to a site called Yellowcraig, near North Berwick (just to the east of Edinburgh). Beautiful weather (apart from a few showers) and I even got sunburnt. Not bad for Scotland in May (grin).

I have been catching up on things and have just joined a new site. It is called Coaching By Millionaires. Check it out here. The video explains it all. Have a look. It will do you no harm. You may even like it and join up. Please do. Have fun!


Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Traffic Exchanges - Again

I don't know if I am getting a bit 'hung up' on traffic exchanges, but I noticed a strange thing the other day. That a number of people advertise a particular traffic exchange (presumably with the hope of getting others to sign up through their page). The only trouble is, they are advertising on that traffic exchange!! So the only people who are going to see these adverts have already signed up to that exchange!! Seems like a bit of a waste of hard earned credits to me.


Monday, 11 May 2009

Traffic Exchanges 3

One of the things I have noticed about Traffic Exchanges is that one of the majority of adverts come from ..... Traffic Exchanges. They all seem to spend most of their time advertising themselves. After that it is the "guaranteed" to make you money schemes that don't seem to. Well not for me. Maybe I am thick, maybe they are not so simple (or cheap) to follow. One thing I do know, I have more "free" ebooks that tell me how to make money than I have time to read.

It is true, you join all these schemes then find that the effort required to put them into practice is too great and you then ignore them. I have at least 4 of these on my hard drive.,and about 6 dozen ebooks, videos and text files. I start out with the best of intentions but when you have a 150 page ebook to wade through and then 5-6 videos of about 30 minutes each (explaining visually what you have read in the ebook), I just about loose the will to live.

They seem to be generally saying the same kind of thing. The details may be different and the approach may be different but the overall picture is the same. You keep trying them in the hope of finding one that actually does what they promise (I have yet to find one).

Disillusioned, moi? You betcha!!!!!
