Saturday, 26 May 2007

About The Horses

Hi there,

You may remember that a while ago I started looking at various ways of trying to earn a little sideline using Betfair and laying loosing horses in the UK racing scene. Well, surprise, surprise, it didn't work out and eventually all the schemes I tried failed. Some took longer than others, but that's the way it goes.

However, I have come across a piece of software that seems to be running at a profit. So far I have increased my betting bank by 50% in just a month. The software is called Auto-BF. It is a monthly subscription software that basically acts as a betting bot and will try and put place bets on the favourite for each race. If it looses then it uses progressive staking to try and recover. So far I have only had 1 day when it did not return a profit, and that was because I was fiddling with the settings so I can't really blame Auto-BF for that. I use the default settings and the only change I make is the amount of Profit Per Race that I want to make each day. This is recommended to be a percentage of your betting bank and they suggest that you use between 0.01% and 0.05% of your bank.

I stared out with a very small bank and have just about covered the cost of the 4 weekly subscription. As the bank grows, so does the PPR and eventually so does the bank. The bigger the bank, the bigger the potential return.

As always, there is no guarantee and some days Auto-BF has made a profit, but it has been very small. Nothing is guaranteed and a long run of loosing bets can very quickly wipe out your bank. I think the longest run I have had without a winner has been 4 races and my bank can take about 6-7 loosing races.

The good thing about the software is you set it running in the morning and leave it alone. It does everything else for you. So I set it running on my home PC and go to work. Come back at night and see how I have got on. I like Auto-BF for it's simplicity. One thing though, you need to have Excel installed on your PC. Open Office will not work.

I will try and occasionally update how I am getting on with Auto-BF.


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