Thursday, 30 October 2008

Time for a rant!!

Anybody else hate this!!!! The next blog button is fine to do a bit of random dipping into other people's blogs. I quite like seeing what other people do BUT I hate it when I keep getting blogs in languages that I cannot understand!!! Can there not be a setting that says your blog is in say 'English' and then the Next Blog button only pulls up other blogs that are in English etc. That way I do not get frustrated by waiting for a site to load and find out a) that it is in a language I do not understand and b) there may not be a "next blog" button.

I don't know why some sites have the next blog button and some don't. There must be some setting somewhere that can be changed but I don't know where it is.


Remember to have a look at or

Friday, 24 October 2008

MMM on YouTube


This is to let you know that the MMM admin has created a video of MMM in action.

You can see it by following this link here

Have a look and you will see the system in action. The video is just under 10 minutes long so you get a good look at the system in action.

If you want to visit the MMM website then follow this link. If you do, and scroll down a bit you may recognize a face there. Yep, that is me. It is the same picture as I inflict upon you on the right.


Thursday, 23 October 2008


Hi Guys,

This is to let you know that I have recently come across a new ebook called "The SEO wars". It is a fantastic book, over 150 pages long, covering search engine optimisation (SEO). Take a look at the sales blurb at This is my new web site but it is based upon the material supplied by Adeel Chowdery who is the author of the report.

You not only get "The SEO Wars" but you get a free video called the Google Bomb AND, if you sign up, there are another THREE videos for you, absolutely FREE. It is a fantastic bargain.

Go have a look and see what you think. Sign up to my mail list and I will send you details of other products that may be of interest. How about a set of videos, over two hours in total, on "How To Turn Your Hobby Or Passion Into A Hugely Profitable Home Based Internet Business!"

If you love educational videos on how to set up and run an Internet business then this is for you.

Remember for "The SEO Wars" and for the videos.


Friday, 17 October 2008

Treading the Boards... Again

Well I am back into the Am Dram scene again. I have joined a local Amateur Dramatics club in Johnstone. Their next production is a pantomime called King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. I'm just in the chorus. It is a rule of the club that the first production you are in you are in the chorus.

The next production is Oliver, so with a bit of luck I will get a principle part in that one.

The panto is running from November 30th till December 6th in Johnstone Town Hall. If you are in the area, come along. Not that I expect many of you reading this to be able to come aong but the invitation is there never the less!!

The last time I was in a show must have been 7-8 years ago. I was in Fiddler on the Roof and played Lazer Wolf, the Butcher. It was great fun.
