Tuesday, 27 January 2009

How do you come across a Blog?

I was thinking the other day, difficult and dangerous I know, about how people must find blogs. Is it through search engines or the dreaded 'Next Blog' button? I know I tend to use that and end up on more sites that are not English based than onto sites I can read. I find it quite frustrating trying to find blogs that are of interest and where I like the comments made etc. In fact, I have only come across 2 and one of those has now closed down (sorry Mahmood.tv I loved your Blog site based in Bahrain)! The other one is Adelaide Green Porridge Cafe by a Scot living in Australia.

I check the blogs every day and try the next blog button, hoping I will find something interesting. Usually nothing of interest has cropped up.

I have also tried Google with the keyword Blogs and then a subject that interests me. Again I have been more frustrated than enlightened. With the number of blogs that are around you would think that it would be easier to find one that could be of interest. Mind you, as I seem to have little success with my little effort here, maybe I am as bad as the rest, with nothing here to interest people of even make them stop by for a read occasionally. OK you don't leave comments but at least the visitors counter slowly keeps increasing with visits from all over the world.


1 comment:

Colin Campbell said...

Hoots fae Doon Unner, The Antipodes. Thanks for your kind words.

My own experience is that you just have to look around. Blogs are very temporal and some are good sometimes, many change in emphasis and because so many bloggers have real life, blogging priorities change.

Take care from a cooling off Adelaide to a snowy Scotland.