Wednesday, 30 May 2007

I don't know if anybody has gone to this site from here but I was looking at my first weeks stats and I couldn't make up my mind if there were any issues with the web site. I have had a couple of people sign up to my ezine newsletter and I hope the auto responder is working OK.

I have made some changes to the web pages and hopefully I have prevented the dreaded 404 - page not found error. If anyone goes to and come across a problem, could they please leave me a comment here and I will look into it as quickly as I can.

Many thanks.


Sunday, 27 May 2007


One thing I forgot to mention is that Auto-BF's subscription is 4 weeks at a time and does NOT include weekends. If you want your subscription to Auto-BF to include the weekends you have to pay an extra £30. That I think is expensive considering how many UK races there are during the week. To pay an extra 50% for 2 more days races seems a bit much to me.

Just my 2 cents worth


Saturday, 26 May 2007

About The Horses

Hi there,

You may remember that a while ago I started looking at various ways of trying to earn a little sideline using Betfair and laying loosing horses in the UK racing scene. Well, surprise, surprise, it didn't work out and eventually all the schemes I tried failed. Some took longer than others, but that's the way it goes.

However, I have come across a piece of software that seems to be running at a profit. So far I have increased my betting bank by 50% in just a month. The software is called Auto-BF. It is a monthly subscription software that basically acts as a betting bot and will try and put place bets on the favourite for each race. If it looses then it uses progressive staking to try and recover. So far I have only had 1 day when it did not return a profit, and that was because I was fiddling with the settings so I can't really blame Auto-BF for that. I use the default settings and the only change I make is the amount of Profit Per Race that I want to make each day. This is recommended to be a percentage of your betting bank and they suggest that you use between 0.01% and 0.05% of your bank.

I stared out with a very small bank and have just about covered the cost of the 4 weekly subscription. As the bank grows, so does the PPR and eventually so does the bank. The bigger the bank, the bigger the potential return.

As always, there is no guarantee and some days Auto-BF has made a profit, but it has been very small. Nothing is guaranteed and a long run of loosing bets can very quickly wipe out your bank. I think the longest run I have had without a winner has been 4 races and my bank can take about 6-7 loosing races.

The good thing about the software is you set it running in the morning and leave it alone. It does everything else for you. So I set it running on my home PC and go to work. Come back at night and see how I have got on. I like Auto-BF for it's simplicity. One thing though, you need to have Excel installed on your PC. Open Office will not work.

I will try and occasionally update how I am getting on with Auto-BF.


Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Go have a look


I have been messing around with this site again but more importantly do you want to earn some MONEY off the web. You can, easily. Follow the link to

You will find access to HOURS of video content that will show you, in a step by step way, where to get information and how to create a niche market for yourself that will earn you MONEY.

If in doubt about this go take a look. It is worth it. This could be the start of a beautiful relationship where I help you and you can make some money.

You can also use the top link on the interesting links on the right.

Go, Go, Go, Go (as they say in the best movies)

All the best.


Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Hello Riyadh.

I've just been looking at the Cluster Map and noticed that I have had a visitor from what looks like Riyadh. Ahlan Wasahlan.

I spent 2 years working in Riyadh for an insurance company called United Commercial Agancies. I don't know if they are still going, it has been 28 years since I left. They used to be on Airport Road (that is to the old airport, not the new King Fahad one. Mind you, after all this time that can no longer be classed as new!!(grin).

I then spent 8 years in Bahrain working as a Loss Adjuster and travelled the area extensively. That company (Robins Davies Middle East S.A.R.L) is no longer in Bahrain, but they were good days and I occasionally hanker after going back. It will not be the same, I can tell that from Google Earth and by following the blog called Mahmood's Den. (see the link to that on the right).

The one constant thing is change (getting a bit deep there!!).


'This is the Biz' Newsletter

Hi'ya all,

Well I have finally taken the plunge and set myself up with an internet business. It is a great system on how to create niche products for you to sell on the internet/ebay etc. It is not just any old ebook. It is a full VIDEO course and what's better it's FREE.

C'mon over and try it out. Have a look at and let me know what you think. Sign up for it and test out the products. There are some really great ideas in there.


Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Still Here - Just not doing much typing :{

Hiya all. Sorry for the length of time since my last Blog. Slapped wrist and all that!!! OK I was just being lazy.

The car is great, I have now done over 2000 miles in it and this coming weekend will be taking it for it's first outing with the caravan. We will be going up to Banchory in Scotland. It is just to the west of Aberdeen. It is an area of the country that I have not been to before so I am looking forward to it. It is about 3 hours from where I live (just to the West of Glasgow) so it should be a good run for the motor.

One thing that I have noticed is that I do not get the mileage out of it that I did with the Peugeot. I used to get 2 weeks out of a tank full but this one has to be refilled each week. Not quite the same amount but still noticeably less miles per tank (and it is a bigger tank!!). The Peugeot used to give me about 40 miles to the gallon. The Kia must be about 35-36. Now that does not sound much but when you do over a 1000 miles a month it adds up. OK I am not doing the heavy miles of a Commercial Salesman but that is basically just commuting to and from work plus a few trips at the weekend.

So much for that moan

The weather outside is glorious and I do not want to be in the office. Where I work has no natural daylight and is cooled by Air Conditioning so I never know what it is like outside till I go home.

The weather is supposed to last till the end of the weekend so I should get some benefit with the caravan. What it will be like next week is another matter.

Anyway byeeee for now.