Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Anybody Tried It?

Has anybody tried the Money Maker Machine using the logo on the right? I would be interested in anybody's comments. Come to think of I would like any comments. I know people are looking at the site (well a few are (grin)) but I have never had a single comment. Is the blog that bad!!!!!


Friday, 27 July 2007

Well I'm Back

Yep, back from a sweltering Turkey. It was HOT. 45 degrees in the shade. I have no idea what it was in the sun but it was just too hot. I'll try and upload some pictures. Icmeler is a lovely place and I would go back but not in July. May or September seem to be the best months, or so we were informed by the locals.

You may have noticed a small (grin) logo on the right. Click on it to take you to a site that has a very interesting premise. They are trying to see if the random number generators on casino web sites are not as random as they might think and they feel that, with enough statistics, it may be possible to 'predict' the results. It may or may not work, but I have run with it in test mode and changed a £2000 bank into a £3000 bank inside a week. That is impressive. Go on, have a look. It may be worth joining www.money-maker-machine.com to see what you can do.


Friday, 13 July 2007

Summer Holiday

Well I am about to go on my Summer Holiday. A week lying on a Turkish beach relaxing. I hope I like it. I normally go in a caravan down to England but that is a bit soggy at the moment, due to the recent floods.

Talk to you when I get back.


Tuesday, 10 July 2007

All Change

As you will have noticed, I have changed the template. I quite like the look of this one, although it is a little narrow. OK there are a lot more adverts as well, but I don't think they are too intrusive.

Go on, be a devil, click on one of them. Make me some money (albeit only a few pennies). I will never get that Villa in the Bahamas at this rate (grin). Despite all the adsense hype I don't think you earn that much from these Google ads.

If you don't want to do that why not visit http://www.money-maker-machine.com/
or http://webfindthebiz.com/ it will be worth while (grin).

Comments anyone?


Sunday, 8 July 2007

Something Else to try

If you have read many of my previous posts you will see that I have tried various 'gambling' schemes. Usually with little success. Ok these 'experiments' have not cost me a lot each but over time I suppose they all add up.

Now, call me a fool, (you're a fool - grin) but I have come across a piece of software that seems extremely useful. It is roulette software that helps to predict a sequence of numbers based upon past experience of it's members. What it is trying to do is record over 2 million number sequences from a know random number generator that is used by over 60 on-line casinos.

They have recorded the numbers for 'Fun Play' and if you use the software in fun play mode it is very impressive. I turned a £2000 bank into £3000 inside a couple of days whilst learning how to use the software. That is impressive. I did loose at times and it tells you when to cut and run.

The system is called Money Maker Machine and you can find it on www.money-maker-machine.com

It is an interesting premise and, as I say, the fun mode is very impressive. They are running the number gathering for their R2 project at the moment and have completed about 65% of the required numbers. If this works in 'real money' mode as well as it does in 'fun' mode then it will be a killer.

It is not available for US or Canadian people and I believe there are restrictions in France that prevent people from using On-Line Gambling Casinos but apart from that it is open to all.

If you take a look and decide to give it a go then could you be so kind as to use my number as a referee 7502544817. That way I get credit for introducing new members. Try the link to


and download the 15 day trial version. Then join the forum and read about Leeroy who is giving full licences away to try and encourage new users to the data collection side of project R2.

Have fun


Thursday, 5 July 2007

The Results

Well, after spending several hours at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley (dodging the Police and TV Reporters to get in) I have had my Day Surgery and the result is ..... I have an ulcer. Well at least that explains a lot.

No sympathy required (not even from the wife, although to be fair she did take the day off work to take me there and bring me back so I shouldn't complain).

From doing a bit of research on the web, it can be treated, usually with a course of antibiotics. I mentioned, way at the beginning of this blog that I am type 2 diabetic. Well part of the treatment is to take a soluble aspirin every day. Whether that has been the cause, or merely contributed to it, I don't know. However it does mean yet more visits to the doctors and another examination in 6 weeks time. As long as it gets resolved I don't mind.


Monday, 2 July 2007

This is getting too close to Home

Further to my earlier comments about Glasgow Airport, I come home to find out about incidents at The Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley. Guess where I am going tomorrow lunchtime. I will not go into the reasons why but suffice to say it is the Day Surgery Unit.

Here I am watching the BBC News and there is their chief correspondent right outside the car park I will be going to. This is definitely too close to home. I live 7 miles from Glasgow Airport, 4 miles from Houston and the RAH is my nearest main hospital. In fact, on Sunday when I was coming home from Paisley a Police car and van charged past us at some traffic lights. Well I saw the same van on TV today. It was the Bomb Disposal Unit. I think it may have been going to the first 'controlled' explosion at the RAH. There were two more today.

Oh Boy!!


A Sign of the Times

Well, you may not know it but I live near Glasgow Airport, in fact right under the flight path. It was eerie on Saturday afternoon/night when there were no planes coming in or out. It was so quite.

To sit in your own lounge and watch the events unfold at a place I know well is, to say the least, a little unsettling. It is the holiday season, friends flew out last Friday, others are due out next Saturday and I and my wife are due to fly out the following Saturday.

We will have to allow even more time for check in. Even just getting to the terminal building looks like a nightmare. Hopefully by the time we fly things will have settled down a little and will be back to semi-normal (or as normal as it ever does).

I take my hat off to those people who tackled these 'bombers' and kept them alive. It is sad that they make these indiscriminate attacks that can affect all peoples. I cannot understand the hatred they must feel to put themselves at risk as well as the lives of all the others. I worked in the middle east for 10 years and have nothing but love for the people. They were friendly and very hospitable. OK I did not meet them all, I only met a small minority and was lucky enough not to be involved with these 'extremists' but I did travel throughout the Middle East and I am greatly saddened by the way things are going.
