Thursday, 5 July 2007

The Results

Well, after spending several hours at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley (dodging the Police and TV Reporters to get in) I have had my Day Surgery and the result is ..... I have an ulcer. Well at least that explains a lot.

No sympathy required (not even from the wife, although to be fair she did take the day off work to take me there and bring me back so I shouldn't complain).

From doing a bit of research on the web, it can be treated, usually with a course of antibiotics. I mentioned, way at the beginning of this blog that I am type 2 diabetic. Well part of the treatment is to take a soluble aspirin every day. Whether that has been the cause, or merely contributed to it, I don't know. However it does mean yet more visits to the doctors and another examination in 6 weeks time. As long as it gets resolved I don't mind.


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