Monday, 2 July 2007

A Sign of the Times

Well, you may not know it but I live near Glasgow Airport, in fact right under the flight path. It was eerie on Saturday afternoon/night when there were no planes coming in or out. It was so quite.

To sit in your own lounge and watch the events unfold at a place I know well is, to say the least, a little unsettling. It is the holiday season, friends flew out last Friday, others are due out next Saturday and I and my wife are due to fly out the following Saturday.

We will have to allow even more time for check in. Even just getting to the terminal building looks like a nightmare. Hopefully by the time we fly things will have settled down a little and will be back to semi-normal (or as normal as it ever does).

I take my hat off to those people who tackled these 'bombers' and kept them alive. It is sad that they make these indiscriminate attacks that can affect all peoples. I cannot understand the hatred they must feel to put themselves at risk as well as the lives of all the others. I worked in the middle east for 10 years and have nothing but love for the people. They were friendly and very hospitable. OK I did not meet them all, I only met a small minority and was lucky enough not to be involved with these 'extremists' but I did travel throughout the Middle East and I am greatly saddened by the way things are going.


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