Monday, 16 February 2009

Traffic Exchanges

Hi Guys,

Well I have been doing a little investigation to try and get some hits to my web sites. I have 2 that offer different things and have mentioned them occasionally in my blog. They are and
WebFindTheBiz but traffic has been sparse to say the least!!

However with the use of traffic exchanges I have been able to put the hits through the roof!!!! Mind you nobody has bought anything. I have to confess I really wonder about these exchanges. If everybody is doing what I am doing, who is going to actually buy? Having said that I have seen a couple of sites that I thought were worth looking at so I suppose it does work to a certain extent. It is a numbers game. Thousand of 'hits' and one or 2 who take it further and actually investigate and possibly buy. Let us hope so.

One of the best traffic sites I have come across is Hits Booster Pro. I have found this to be fast and they give a lot of credits for surfing. If you are interested in looking at this site click on the link above.


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