Friday 19 January 2007

Tough Horses

You would not think it would be so difficult to pick a horse that will LOOSE would you? After all only one of them can win so the rest are losers. I suppose it comes down to what kind of risk you want to take. With lay betting you are betting against those who think the horse will win and if you select a very long shot and it wins it will cost you a FORTUNE. It is a balancing act that I haven't quite got the hang of yet. The blog on the left about lay betting is very good but it is covering about half a dozen different schemes. It was making little sense to me so I emailed the guy that runs it. He pointed me to the first couple of blogs which explain what it is he is doing and what the numbers all mean.

Nice guy Clive. I like his style. His selected horses don't always loose which is why you have to run a betting bank that will take losses into account. Have a look at his blogs and sign up for his free newsletter. It makes interesting reading. (No I am no affiliate but I might look into that aspect of it (grin)).


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