Hmmm, Interesting - or not depends on you.
I was doing a little surfing at lunchtime, as one does, and was using the random blog button site to look at a few other sites. I was surfing for about 15 minutes and the same site came up at least 6 times. How's that for random!! Several came up a couple of times. I assume that these sites are the ones that have actually paid some money to the Random Blog Button Site. It does clearly state on the opening page that you can join the free rotation or pay a little and 'appear extra often' in the rotation. Now I don't mind that, it's a nice little earner I would think, but 6 times in 15 minutes? It was getting to the point where I was being put off the blog site rather than enjoying it.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Hey McMint...
I actually just bought a javascript book and am in the process of making it so each blog only comes up once each viewing session. So the people who have paid me might come up in earlier clicks, but once they come up once, they won't come up again. I agree 6 times in 15 minutes is a big overdone.
Glad to see that when I finally figure it out, it will be appreciated. I hope you'll come back!
Hi Bobby,
It's Ok. I appreciate what you are doing. I'm still visiting and still getting Skittles Place a lot, but keep up the good work. It's still better than the random blog to all the different languages the Blogger gives you.
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