Sunday, 31 December 2006

It's Blowing a Gale

Well it may be Hogmany in Scotland but it is blowing a GALE outside. Tonight I think I will batten down the hatches. Open up a nice bottle of wine and sit and watch the TV. Either that or a DVD if the TV is bad, and to my mind it is usually bad at this time of year. It is always the same, news reviews of the year, so called comedy programs and then the 'Scottish' parties that are the same each year. I think I must be getting old (grin).

When I lived in Bahrain we always used to celebrate New Year in as many time zones as we could work out. The party would start about 9.00pm and finish at about 4.00am. As each hour would pass we would try and find a time zone who was about to start the new year. We would celebrate that one and so on, on the next hour. It was fun. We would crash out on the couch, chairs or where ever we could. After a few hours sleep the sun would come up and wake us all up, so off to the Gulf Hotel for a full cooked breakfast at about 7.00am. After that back home and crash out for the day. Thank goodness it was a public holiday. Thanks to Dave Stewart (who now lives in Australia). These parties were always at his place. Don't know why but they were and they were always good parties.

There are public parties in Edinburgh and Glasgow (and other places I am sure) but the heavy rain and driving winds will keep a lot of people away I am sure.

Well, have a good New Year and may the next bring you joy and happiness to you all.

Goodnight and may your God be with you.


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